Project Overview

The project was to design a web application for a foreign government minister that will serve as a communication channel between the minister and each mission and will allow to track services provided by missions to the diaspora abroad more effectively.


User Research
Interaction Design
UI Design

Problem Statement

The foreign government minister faces a significant challenge in effectively tracking services provided by missions to the diaspora. This lack of oversight not only impedes the government’s ability to provide timely support to its diaspora community but also creates opportunities for corruption and exploitation. Without a centralized tracking system, there is limited transparency and accountability, allowing individuals to exploit services meant for the diaspora for personal gain. As a result, significant resources may be misappropriated, depriving the diaspora of much-needed support and eroding trust in government institutions.

This problem underscores the urgent need for a robust tracking mechanism that ensures the efficient and transparent delivery of services to the diaspora while safeguarding against corruption and misuse of resources. By addressing these challenges, the government can strengthen its commitment to serving its diaspora community effectively and foster trust and accountability in its operations.


User Persona

In order to remind me who is my stakeholder and helps me get in their shoes to empathize with them, Base on my research I create this User Persona as representation of my Ideal one.

Problem and Hypothesis statement


Lack of oversight that impedes the government’s ability to provide timely support to its diaspora community but also creates opportunities for corruption and exploitation

how might we (HMW)

How might we establish transparent and accountable mechanisms within the government to ensure efficient and equitable delivery of support services to the diaspora community, while concurrently implementing safeguards to prevent corruption and exploitation?

hypothesis statement

We hypothesize that by implementing transparent oversight mechanisms and strengthening accountability measures within the government’s support systems for the diaspora community, we can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery, thereby reducing instances of corruption and exploitation while enhancing trust and support within the diaspora


Based on the different stages outlined in the user flow, I put the concept down on paper. Using the sketches, I tested the flow and terminology to make sure it was as concise and usable as possible.

Hi-Fi Prototype

Our design underwent rigorous testing with both end users and stakeholders to ensure its effectiveness and alignment with their needs. Through collaborative testing sessions, we gathered valuable insights and feedback from diverse perspectives, allowing us to refine and iterate upon the design to better meet the requirements of all stakeholders. This iterative testing process has been essential in validating the design’s functionality, usability, and overall effectiveness in addressing the identified challenges. With valuable input from end users and stakeholders incorporated into the design, we are confident in its readiness for implementation and its potential to drive positive outcomes


We believe that creating this web application for the government minister will serve them as a communication channel between the minister and each mission and will allows them to track services provided by each missions to the diaspora abroad more effectively.